Partnership Opportunities


The Beatles Through The Years (TBTTY) is looking for partners!  This means that if you have: a book, an event, a product, a service, a tour, a store... or anything else that might even remotely relate to The Beatles, or the 1960s, British Invasion, etc. let us know!  We offer a variety of ways in which you can become a partner with our site!


Want an ad placed directly on our site?  No problem.  The Beatles Through The Years has various ad space available for sale at low monthly rates.  Ads must be your own creation and must be approved by our site before going live.  Prices below are based on our average daily unique visitor count of 400 visitors per day, and counting.  Paypal is accepted form of payment. 

Horizontal ad above the fold (measuring approx. 728 x 90) - $35 per month
Square ad above the fold, on the sidebar (measuring approx. 150 x 150 or 125 x 125) - $30 per month

Horizontal ad below the fold (measuring approx. 728 x 90) - $25 per month
Square ad below the fold, on the sidebar (measuring approx. 150 x 150 or 125 x 125) - $20 per month
Vertical ad below the fold, on the sidebar (measuring approx. 160 x 600) - $25 per month

Ask About Our Discounts:
Buy 6 months worth of advertising for the price of 5!
Buy 12 months for the price of 11!

Featured Blogs
Our blogging team here at TBTTY is happy to review your book, event, product, store, etc. in a single blog post to be permanently left on our blog.

Guest Blogs

At The Beatles Through The Years, we are all about the fans.  We know that we fans are the ones that keep the legend of The Beatles alive, and for that reason, we love to partner with fellow fans.  As a guest blogger, TBTTY gives you the opportunity to promote whatever you'd like, assuming it keeps in line with our website.  This costs you nothing but time.  You blog for us, and in turn, we promote you as a writer, with a link back to your blog, website, store, or wherever you'd like us to link.


The simplest and most cost effective way to become a TBTTY Partner is simply by exchanging links.  This costs absolutely nothing and all you have to do is link to us and we'll link back to you in our links section.  Soon we hope to have an Official TBTTY Partner Badge you can add to your site, so please keep checking back for that.

Podcast Guests

This opportunity, once again, costs you nothing but time.  At The Beatles Through The Years, we do a podcast show called Tea & A Butty, about twice a month.  We like to have guests on who are important people in the Beatlessphere, fans like us, etc. for a general chat and occasionally to promote whatever it is they are working on.  Our podcast records via Skype and is an audio-only conversation.  Email us if you'd like to be a guest on an upcoming show!

So, there you have it: all the different ways to become a Partner with  We hope you've found something that suits your needs, but if not, we'd love to discuss other possible ways to create a partnership.  Simply shoot us an email indicating which Partnership Opportunity you'd like to take advantage of and we'll gladly get started on it as soon as possible.

Contact us today!