Friday 14 December 2012

Women Of The Beatles: Heather Mills

Heather Mills in the 2000's

When Heather Mills walked into Paul McCartney's life at the Daily Mirror Pride of Britain award ceremony at the Dorchester hotel in London in April 1999 little did he know how much of a mistake he was making. He was instantly attracted to her blonde, blue eyed, leggy (well, ok, not so leggy) and 27 years his junior, Paul couldn't help himself. He had very recently lost his soul-mate Linda to cancer and Paul seemed to be very much looking for love in all the wrong places. They married in 2002 and a year later they had a daughter together; Beatrice. The marriage was stable at first but then Heather started to complain to her blabbermouth friends that Paul was a "boring old fart and he doesn't have any friends". When these reports began to surface, Heather started taking a lot of flak from Paul's fanbase and the British media also got in on the act. After a brief seperation Paul filed for divorce from Heather in 2006 citing irreconcilable differences and the media moved in, digging up every last thing they could about her. Heather slowly began to commit professional suicide with her swollen headed stories and claims that Paul physically abused her. She finally walked away with around $50 million of Paul's $800 million fortune. A sum he's probably earned back three times over by now.

Some of the fantastic claims Heather has made are:

Being asked by all three main British political parties to stand for Parliament.

Being offered a life peerage by Prime Minister Tony Blair in 2001

Cancelling a meeting with Bill Clinton in case her endorsement affected the US Election.

Leaving an ex-boyfriend because he was gay and a member of MI6 on a mission to destroy her landmine campaign.

Having a career in Investigative Journalism.

Paul stabbed her in the arm with a broken wine glass.

Never having heard of the Beatles.

She was once married to Paul McCartney.

Okay. Okay. That last statement she never actually made up but I bet Paul wished she had.


  1. Do you think that Heather is a bad mom? Do you think Paul resents Beatrice for being born, thus connecting him forever to Heather? Do you think Paul regrets Beatrice? If so, then he should give Heather sole custody and sign away his paternity rights. At least the McCartney family would be 100% rid of Heather for good!

  2. I think she was a gold digger, quite frankly. I thought Linda McCartney was the sweetest person he's ever been with. And now that he's with Nancy Shevell, it's good. Those two are so nice and happy looking


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