Thursday 23 April 2015

Fan Stories: Erica Williams

    The Cavern Proudly Presents: Erica Williams in her first appearance at the Cavern.
     Here she is everybody, the woman that stole my heart (alright, alright, I paid her to take it!), Ladies & Genitals, Erica Williams!

    1. What's your name?

    Erica Williams

    2. How old/young are you?

    25-35 would be the box I would check here... you know, if there were boxes.  :-p

    3. Where are you in the world?

    Austin, Texas, The Live Music Capital of the World!! (read that with lots of echo.)

    4. What is your earliest Beatles memory?

    My EARLIEST Beatles memory is seeing my mom's "Meet the Beatles" record in our record collection when I was really little and used to like looking through her albums.  I really feel like I've always known who they were though.  I became a FAN, however, when my aunt first showed me the film, A Hard Day's Night, when I was about 11.  But, I didn't become COMPLETELY OBSESSED until much more recently, in 2005 when I first saw Paul in concert.

    5. Did you ever attend a Beatles concert between 1960 and 1966?

    Unfortunately, only in my dreams.

    6. Have you met any of the Beatles? Or anyone associated with them?

    I have met Paul McCartney!!  Shook his hand too!  I also met Sam Leach in Liverpool and saw Allan Williams in the same place, but didn't speak to him.  Oh, and I've met Dhani Harrison.  Hey, kids count, right?

    7. Have you ever seen John, Paul, George or Ringo on a solo tour/gig?

    I've seen Paul five times and Ringo twice.  Sadly, John was gone before I was born and George never toured America when I was growing up.

    8. In what way have the Beatles inspired you? Did you take up a career because of them?

    The Beatles inspire me to get up in the mornings and breathe in and breathe out all day long, simply by having existed.  They are life.  They also inspired me to try and learn to play guitar, which never actually happened because, unfortunately, they never inspired me to have more patience.

    9. Ever been to the UK on a Beatle Pilgrimage? Where did you go and what did you see?

    Every trip to the UK is a Beatles Pilgrimage if you're a fan.  Yes, I've been a few times, each time I get to see a little more.  Mainly, as far as Beatley places go, I've been to London and Liverpool.  In London, I've been to Abbey Road, Paul's house on Cavendish Ave., the old Apple HQ on Savile Row, the old Apple Boutique on Baker Street, the old Indica Gallery, and probably other places I can't remember.  In Liverpool, I've been to John and Paul's houses, the Cavern Club, the Grapes pub, the old Jacaranda, Paul and George's school, which is now LIPA, and John's art college.  I still want to go to the Casbah though.

    10. What is the craziest thing you have done as a fan?

    Possibly the craziest thing I've done as a fan, is when I decided one afternoon to fly that same evening to New York City, from Austin, and sleep on the street for a night and a half for the chance to meet Paul McCartney.  :-)


    Erica is an amateur genealogist and runs an incredible family history website and is always on the lookout for more clients at extremely affordable rates! Check it out at: