Tuesday 8 September 2015

Join the Tea & A Butty Forum!

HEY BEATLE PEOPLE! Do you like to talk (er... type)? Do you have LOTS of opinions? Ever posted on a message board? Then, the new ‪#‎TBTTY‬ ‪#‎Beatles‬ ‪#‎Forum‬ might be the place for you! It's VERY new (like, still kinda-under-construction-NEW), but we're anticipating it's going to be a new favorite for fans of the ‪#‎fab‬ ‪#‎four‬ to have discussions about everything that makes their favorite ‪#‎band‬ GREAT! Join now! And please, feel free to go ahead and share this with your Beatle fan friends!


This forum is a message board for Beatles fans to come and chat about the Beatles and everything related to them, discuss Ringo, John, George and Paul and everyone involved with them including Brian Epstein, George Martin, Neil Aspinall, Mal Evans and their wives, girlfriends and mistresses.

If you like you can also chat about whatever you like on our General board. You can discuss other popular musical artists and even your favourite TV shows, films and actors or even food! We want to know what you had for breakfast! (We're that nosey, yes!) 

So please, sign up, start posting and you'll make us very happy! We'll respond! We promise!  We look forward to hearing from you! 

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