Friday 30 October 2015

Beatles Halloween Costume Party at LBJ Library, Austin, Texas

Last night a fabulous costume party happened at the Beatles exhibit at the LBJ Library in Austin, Texas. We unfortunately couldn't make it but thanks to the magic of Twitter and Instagram, we'd like to share the photos of the fabulous costumes that people wore!

People dressed up as their favourite Beatle or wore an original costume inspired by an iconic lyric, event, or moment in Beatles history for a chance to win an Epiphone Casino Guitar (Natural finish, like John Lennon's), SXSW Music Badges, access to the KGSR Music Lounge or some Beatles goodies!

(Note: All pictures were taken by LBJ Library and the party goers.)

Sgt Pepper George, with a little help from his friends!

She's a song from the White Album, have a guess!

Another song from the White Album!

An actual Beetle.

Maxwell, his Silver Hammer and Eleanor Rigby. Doesn't look like it's going to end well!

Rooftop Lennon and McCartney couple.
They even recreated the album cover too! FAB!

There were those that dressed as Beatles fans from the 60s.....

And some came as Beatles song lyrics....

Rita the Meter Maid, Doesn't she look lovely? "Give us a wink and make me think of you!"

Here Comes The Sun King...

Here's Let It Bee with the Yellow Submarine

Speaking of Submarines of Yellow, They also had a very cool DJ booth shaped like one!

"Got any Rolling Stones?"

The winners of the costume contest were this couple and their fabulous costume, they walked away with the coveted Epiphone Casino

See if you can guess the song, (Clue: it's on Let It Be)
I think you'll all agree, a splendid time was had by all! Congratulations to everyone! Gear Costumes! Swap? ;-)

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